Heart of Ruth

My husband and I have been married for almost two and a half years.  Many changes happen during the early years, especially if you marry at a young age. You grow together and learn to make decisions for your life.

During these years, I have learned what my role in our home is. I am his wife. I am his helper. “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” Genesis 2:18. God then took one of Adam’s ribs and made Eve specifically for Adam. After Eve was presented to Adam, he said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” We continue to read in Genesis 2, that man and woman become one flesh. “Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” Genesis 2:21-25

Eve was literally formed from a piece of Adam. You cannot separate one flesh. God chose J specifically for me, and He chose J for me. We are pieced together, and we cannot be separated.

Wherever life leads us, we cannot be two halves. We must be one.  J recently started law school and joined the Army, both of which are big changes for our life. This is where God is leading him. We are led to specific paths for a reason.

Ruth was led to Boaz. She did not meet him by chance. Through Ruth and Boaz came the direct lineage of David to Jesus. People are put into our life for a reason. We may face many obstacles and life changes, but these are all steps in our path.

Ruth 1:16-18, “…Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried…” Ruth was selfless. She left her own land to move with her mother-in-law. There she met Boaz. This was God’s perfect plan.

Boaz saw Ruth in the field. He accepted her as she was. She was of a different nationality and a widow. Boaz saw Ruth for who she was. He was willing to do anything for her and he took care of her.

Law school and the military are both very honorable paths to take. However, our husbands will stumble. No one is immune to sin. It is not a matter of if, but when he will stumble. We are to support him then. No one is perfect. Temptation is always lurking.

Pray for your husband. Pray that he has the strength to resist temptation. Pray that he has daily guidance and conviction in his life. Pray for him to be the spiritual leader of your home. Pray for wisdom, his health, his dreams and thank God for him. Pray for your husband and with your husband.

You are not walking through life alone. God has given you your perfect helper. If you are not married yet, pray for your future husband. Pray that God molds the man you will marry into a Godly man.

Everyday I ask myself, “How can I be a better wife?” Whether it is packing his lunch for work, supporting him through law school or simply praying for him while he is on his way to school, I am here for him.

I’m not the perfect wife, but I pray that I will have a heart like Ruth and be ready to go where God leads us.

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